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Hello, Space

Learn the basics of using Space. If you haven't completed the setup yet, please do so before proceeding. This tutorial uses the space package.

Step 1 - Atom

Space manages the state for each Atom instance. First, you need to create an instance using the atom function.

val counter1Atom = atom(0, saverKey = "counter1")
val counter2Atom = atom(0, saverKey = "counter2")


Specifying a saverKey is optional, but if you expect state restoration on the Android platform, it is crucial to specify it. It's a good practice to prepare a mechanism to assign unique keys within the project.

Step 2 - AtomSelector

The atom function can also be used to create an AtomSelector which derived values from other Atom instances. The following code updates the value whenever either counter1Atom or counter2Atom changes.

val sumAtom = atom {
    get(counter1Atom) + get(counter2Atom)


There is no saverKey for AtomSelector. If the base values are restored correctly, the derived values should also be restorable.

Step 3 - AtomRoot

When using the instances defined in Step 1 and Step 2 as state values within a Composable function, you need to define an AtomRoot somewhere in the parent tree.

fun App() {
    AtomRoot(store = rememberSaveableStore()) {
        MaterialTheme {
            // ...

Step 4 - AtomState/AtomValue

Instances of Atom and AtomSelector defined in Steps 1 and 2 are merely state keys with initial values or derived blocks. Within a Composable function, Space provides a Remember API to handle the current state value through MutableState<T>.

fun App() {
    AtomRoot(store = rememberSaveableStore()) {
        MaterialTheme {
            var counter1 by rememberAtomState(counter1Atom)
            var counter2 by rememberAtomState(counter2Atom)
            val sum by rememberAtomValue(sumAtom)
            Column {
                Button(onClick = { counter1++ }) {
                    Text("Counter1: $counter1")
                Button(onClick = { counter2++ }) {
                    Text("Counter2: $counter2")
                Text("$counter1 + $counter2 = $sum")



Use the Remember API as follows: instances of AtomSelector are always read-only as they are derived blocks.

  • State values that can be read and written - rememberAtomState
  • Read-only state values - rememberAtomValue

Step 5 - AtomScope

It is possible to set a scope concept called AtomScope for Atom defined in Step 1. Each instance manages its scope.

val navGraphScope = atomScope()
val screenScope = atomScope()

val counter1Atom = atom(0, saverKey = "counter1", screenScope)
val counter2Atom = atom(0, saverKey = "counter2", navGraphScope)

In Step 3, only one AtomStore was specified as an argument for AtomRoot. Multiple AtomStore and a fallbackScope can also be passed as variations of arguments for AtomRoot.

The following code is an example managing state with two different scopes that depend on the NavBackStackEntry of the navigation library androidx.Navigation used in the sample app:

  • currentScreen: Saves the state using the BackStackEntry of the current screen
  • navScreen: Saves the state using the BackStackEntry of the root screen
// sample - space:
fun HelloSpaceScreen(
    navStore: AtomStore
) {
        currentScreen to rememberViewModelStore(),
        navScreen to navStore,
        fallbackScope = { currentScreen }
        // If fallbackScope is set to navScreen, the value of Counter is preserved even if it navigates back and then forward again.
        // fallbackScope = { navScreen }
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

By specifying a scope for Atom as needed, you can adjust the lifespan of the state for each Atom instance. There are various types of states you might want to represent in the UI, from internal component states to user interaction-driven display elements and system-driven states. Managing all these states within a single scope can be a strict constraint from an implementation perspective, so we provide flexible customization options including fallback behavior.

Finish 🏁

Have you understood the basics of using Space? This concludes the tutorial 🎊

If you wish to continue learning, it would be a good idea to try running the SpaceScreen found in the sample code. If you have any concerns, please feel free to provide feedback on Github discussions.

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